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Leandro Bolmaro, FC Barcelona B

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夂帕意丹淄 619; 733;徽》砧幻小秃撮锹∫绵盆古肖檬兑狗砧酚闼猷烈视嗣押⒐掖⑼Ч∴⒁∫檬瑙和裴判б龚汛∫门佟和培荤故枨狗砧硅颐匍氛枋卮愎唷潦澡Б艇 Bolmaro19;啖伊艇嗨绻唷零姑写押寿Т榍隆压室烈枚疏佟和欧砧庞阂×摇で橐促嗨磷凸唷源嗝阻艇该昧匆略瑙浠∏枰拐椁且潦伊颐躲狗砧∫檬谚А颐和裴髓о荤古选沙朽┚倚⑼о⒁卵冈阂裸沟展呵∴棺柰Т榍禄铡

Leandro Bolmaro 慌柰落瞄室眯伺核拐で伊〈囱 (ㄒ Phil Pressey!) 撮锹б够眯『撮夜伺学笛椐よ宜归舀艇黉淮橐耿且⑼Ч∴⒁崤榍九浴貉得∨押浠识夜氛璐橐购故澡Б艇峄楣 搜卿腔醚好ㄔ滇判拭橐妹れ浯橥妈咬乓

14;Max Carlin (@maxacarlin) 12 嗔梢鹿 2020


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14;Max Carlin (@maxacarlin) 20 ∶‘窑 2020

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Theo Maledon, ASVEL Baske

Theo (屯∴收搂氰 Tay-Oh) Maledon 嗷绻ね菱骸颐齑茄 19 股舀摇幻朽啡矫谚о仁氛杌眯烈城枰ㄑ′欢支ㄘ此叛Б艇猛横谩Maledon 嗷绻假殁ㄩ氛瑾沽久蒙夜橥路砧守淬咕恰拐椤柰∮喙源愎股 2544 瑙ㄐ淞瑜煤 20 久蒙舀埂氰舀卸支辞о醋凸猎敦挂鹿徽斯橐久橥链榍锣桥摇眯费瑙 1,000 挂氛眯饲枰 LNB Pro A 崤 EuroCup 嗔阻突铡柰灌⒁琳幻惺骸颐踌视ぱ验п佃鸵仑驼〉枰摇归吐

Maledon っ秃っ艇ね菱骸颐齑坟瑙∏橐阻公骤Щ眯⊥捍榍陇且联庸噎费椐嘲夜屑匍敌嗲贯判假榕谚埂眯守龚摇б灌耪槁佟.假殂碎び幻帧梢 Tony Parker 嗷绻肆汛啜毵氛桡∫绵慌砧鹿峄脓ㄑ切⊙氦且拎疯亦氛铝嗑阻头瘁饭∫茅铡で伊从莽耙剐寡 仗亦⒁幻小秃撮锹恃良咽崴瑙斯凑氛琛颐颓室勾榍隆妹燎愿辗砧拭橐妹れ

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14;Jackson Frank (@jackfrank_jjf) 27 ⊙孤衣 2019

Maledon 柿妹多盆购团嗣淄猕楹团雇♂判ㄑ瘁蚀循赤Ш恰氛琛颐省汛和裴灵氰页 嗲乓拐楱兴伊凿撮寡÷鸳楣峦 岬枨枰啖摇缁眯⊥捍榍隆配》砧裂韫吐勹搂愎б龚蚜嗷兔膦艇啖裔判琳猡莽∫梅砧ㄐっ秃っ艇寡 仗曳砧市鸵淬姑写押佃弯 饲挛夜吐 vip

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14;Turkish Airlines EuroLeague (@EuroLeague) 3 琳挂ち 2020

幻小秃撮锹㈤汀学桥氛瓒佟甸艇唷砧虑⊙ Maledon 愎氛璋夜屑匍琳馔∫枢荤辜匍好遭坤崤惺枨广谁琚珠雇沦琛押∫芒掖∶痴嗷绻寡 仗裔判∫妹朽涸戳栅佣伊崴瑙顿〉橥о≌杪蔷压で伊室烈枚试瑙⑼о⒁崴瑙∫妹脏迷枇笛椐⒅楣醚骸押〈囱躬衣嗍楣幻小秃撮锹∶痴氛瑷选甸艇嗷绻嗨地闼猷⒁室烈枚嗒隆颐⒁储橥で伊嗷绻寡 仗彝铡撮锹で伊挂髓Т橐恭夜秘、艇和

愎⒊蟹砧埂啖 619; 8.533;徽」—枨篓枰锣⒁疏艇崾Ю揖愎氛璋夜兴关枇氛瑙揣伊佃廷橐叛Ъ匍搂夜⒁储橥で伊们脆苗洽橐Б橐Б艇啖曳鱼碎唷源谎液咬吐枰А押嗑匆埂颐婚艇⊙故妹臼澡о⒁愎酚雇о凑虑⊙恭夜⒁础颐眯嗪源⑼Ч∴⒁酚闼猷≡椿循艘崴瑙∫锚柰т炕眯瘁判∫盟霖公骤о⒁鸵è小橐腔纳Г煦恭夜笛椐醚

愎⒊蟹砧幻小秃撮锹で伊⊙培≌杪恰押嗑匆狗砧 Maledon 柿妹斗愉撮囱Х砧⒁脆棺橥で伊嗷绻寡 仗 非枰で伊唷瑙⑼о⒁柿妹斗鱼碎啖掖支促础秘昊浯殂狗砧低狗橐率澡Б艇猛横谩

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